Fanfest Journal: Day One Overview

The first two days of Fanfest have left me with so much material and so many thoughts that it's difficult to know what to focus on first. There are certainly some topics that deserve a post entirely to themselves and I will revisit them later. However, for this post I intend to just rattle through a few highlights.

When we first arrived, we spoke briefly with Misty Martonis (a.k.a. CCP Fallout) at the Reception desk. She was clearly rushing around organising but was very welcoming and gave us a great gift pack before disappearing off to her next task.

Long Jack and I wandered around, attempting to explore every nook and cranny of the two-floored building. It was busy, but prior to any of the events and roundtables starting, the largest queue seemed to be for the canteen. I suspect this was as much to do with the stunningly attractive catering staff as the need for sustenance.

Fansite Roundtable
This was hosted by CCP Fallout and CCP Adida and allowed us to put faces to names of many of the EVE community's contributors. Present were Wollari of Evemaps.dotlan, Manasi of A Mule in EVE, Rocwieler, Song Li, the Planet Risk show lads, Mandrill, DavidKMagnus and I'm sure others, I still haven't quite figured out who else is who. Crazy Kinux made a late appearance. We discussed ways to improve Fansite visibility and much of that involved a new fansite webpage. We all agreed the old one is a dog.

EVE TV Interview
I checked in with CCP StevieSG to find out if and when I was being interviewed and ended up getting thrown straight into the interview pretty much on the spot. I haven't seen the footage yet, but Stevie had "lost her questions" for me and I wasn't actually on her list, so it was a bit of an ad-hoc interview. I'll link it when I can if it's not too embarrassing.

CSM Panel
This was quite a heavyweight subject, held in the main 'Tranquility' hall. I wanted to go to show support if nothing else. Not all of the members were present; Mynxee and Teadaze were absent "for personal reasons" and Vuk Lau "ragequit" immediately prior to Fanfest. I was impressed with how they bore themselves and I thank them for all their efforts in the last year.

Drunk with Hacks
In the evening, Veto Corp had arranged a gathering at a nearby pool hall which we completely failed to find, instead ending up in an empty Sports bar nearby. We intended to stay for only one drink before heading back out to find the real venue, but were soon joined by three journalists we'd spoken to earlier outside our hotel. They'd also failed to find the pool hall. Instead, we settled in and ended up having a great night and with the absence of any real hardcore EVE fanatics, the conversation was pleasant and varied. And, by the end, quite slurred.
